Los estudios de Paul incluyeron College en Cal State Hayward (ahora Cal State East Bay) y la Universidad de Filipinas como estudiante de Ingeniería Mecánica, pero siempre supo que su verdadera pasión era trabajar con personas y, lo que es más importante, ayudarlas a alcanzar sus objetivos inmobiliarios.
“Realmente disfruto conocer gente de todo el mundo”, dice, compartiendo su pequeña sonrisa de Aloha, “desde la costa este hasta el Lejano Oriente de Asia. Los bienes raíces realmente te ayudan a abrirte el mundo ".
El mundo de Paul ha estado aquí en Las Vegas durante casi 20 años y él comprende y aprecia los aspectos únicos de esta comunidad del desierto. Más importante aún, tiene la experiencia nacida de más de una docena de años en la administración de propiedades. Un negociador duro, un administrador atento y una comunicación excepcional, Paul es el sueño de un inversor. Conocedor no solo en bienes raíces y administración de propiedades, este es un profesional que también conoce íntimamente el mercado local y sabe cómo responder de manera efectiva.
Al confiar su propiedad comercial, es esencial asociarse con alguien que sepa que supervisará y administrará de manera efectiva los procesos, sistemas y mano de obra necesarios para sostener su valiosa inversión y, al mismo tiempo, respaldar la buena voluntad y los servicios al cliente. Nadie logra todos estos objetivos mejor que Paul. Su liderazgo, experiencia e interacciones personales se combinan para convertirlo en uno de los agentes inmobiliarios más populares y exitosos del sur de Nevada.
Trabajando con una gran variedad de personas en una variedad de escenarios diferentes, Paul mantiene una filosofía firme que se combina perfectamente con sus colegas de ADG Realty: “Trabajamos para más de una venta con nuestros clientes, nuestro compromiso continúa mucho después de la transacción. Esperamos ser referidos a los hijos de nuestros clientes ”.
Paul Pineda aprendió temprano el poder y el prestigio de las propiedades de inversión. Hijo de padres inmigrantes, observó a sus padres con sabiduría y seriedad construir su propio Sueño Americano a través de los bienes raíces. Hoy, como esposo y padre, Paul no solo trae sus casi dos décadas de experiencia en inversión / administración de bienes raíces a sus clientes, sino también la visión de cómo todos tienen su propio ideal de ese mismo sueño.

Pablo Pineda
Licencia # BS.1001606
An innovator and visionary, Paul’s roots are deeply embedded in tradition and the old-fashioned values he was raised with. While embracing and utilizing the most advanced technology his beliefs were forged by parents who instilled principals such as a man’s word is his bond, and a handshake holds more meaning that a dozen legal documents.
His degree in Mechanical Engineering helped solidify an already keen mind focused on precision and accuracy while his naturally outgoing personality led him to a career that allows him to engage with a myriad of people every day. What friends and colleagues describe as Paul’s “aloha smile” is a reflection of the warmth and sincerity he brings to every encounter. Paul is a serious businessman who quickly becomes a friend to everyone he meets. Entrusting your most significant investment is no small thing, and partnering with Paul you can be confident his will be a fully-engaged stewardship, caring for and representing your property as though it were his own or that of his family.

Born and raised on the Big Island of Hawaii, Allyson has always had a deep passion and driving desire to help others. She moved to the mainland (Las Vegas) nearly 20 years ago and got started in commercial real estate marketing. This eventually led to her interest in property management. With five years of commercial property management and leasing experience under her belt, she expanded into residential real estate. Discovering a new passion that perfectly aligned with her desire to help, Allyson became engrossed in this new facet of real estate helping numerous clients build wealth through investment properties. Her meticulous attention to detail and superior customer service effectively serves her clients as their property manager. Today, Allyson has developed a unique management style implementing relatively unknown practices that give her clients tremendous advantages in this ever-changing market.
Allyson Ashihara
Realtor/Property Manager
License# S.0173642.LLC
PM Permit# PM.0166264
Jeff Simmons
Business Development &
Maintenance Director

With an extensive and impressive background that includes everything from graphic design to results-generating real estate marketing to unique web design, Jeff Simmons fills an eclectic place on the ever-growing SierraLV team.
Playing a vital and integral role in the Las Vegas real estate community since early 2005, Simmons has proven to be a marketing and business development genius, helping to expand companies such as CBRE, Prudential, and Sun Commercial real estate firms as well as creating an impressive catalog of marketing materials and a robust website for Cushman & Wakefield.
Simmons steps into his new role at SierraLV bringing this vast experience and helping to further launch company awareness throughout the city, state, and even the world.

Patrick Pineda
Marketing Manager
Patrick has over 20 years of experience in the creative marketing field. He was the lead corrugated package designer at KapStone Paper in Oakland, California where he designed packages for companies such as HP, Sterling Vineyards, Microsoft, Adidas, and Hasbro. After relocating to Vegas in 2000, his design career became more focused on trade shows and the entertainment industries, designing custom interactive exhibits and trade show displays for clients such as CES, SEMA, BF Goodrich, and Guess.
After gaining additional skills in digital marketing, web development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and branding, he worked his way into freelancing for several marketing agencies and close colleagues. Patrick now lives in sunny San Diego where he is currently working on his first patent product and upcoming food & beverage brands that is anticipated to hit the retail space by early 2023.

Jenny Oher
An integral member of our accounting team, Jenny Oher radiates a bright, sunny personality that’s as welcoming as the Big Island of Hawaii where she was born and raised. Jenny may have left her tropical home to study accounting at UNLV, but she has remained true to the lessons and values she learned as a child.
“I grew up with traditional Hawaiian values,” says Jenny. “Embracing the practices learned from my ahupua’a (community) in order to malama (take care of) the land and the people who reside on it.”
Industrious and hardworking, Jenny is a dedicated financial sleuth, adhering to the best practices in every endeavor.